Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What to do?

What a week! Last Thursday I got the call back from FedEx I was waiting for, but I got it while I was typing a letter to my sister's boss, who wanted me to apply for a full time job. I was telling her I was interested in hearing more, and the phone rang. It was (what'shername) from FedEx, calling to see if I was available to come the next morning for a hiring session. This is code for an interview and lift test, I think...

I spun a little out of control. I freaked. What was God trying to say to me?! Which job should I take? Going to work full time meant days and a cushy office job. FedEx meant nights and hard manual labor. Full time meant putting Caleb in school with Hailey, and not being a stay at home mom anymore. FedEx meant getting to keep Caleb home for another year and still staying home with him. Full time meant getting to go to bed with my husband, who says he doesn't sleep well without me, and being a slave to an alarm clock. FedEx meant getting to sleep until I wake up, and indulging my not-a-morning-person self. Full time meant going into an unfamiliar line of work and learning a whole new thing. FedEx meant going to familiar surroundings and doing a job I can do well and already know how to do, and feel confident in my ability to shine.

There were so many pros and cons to each possibility, that my head was spinning.

I couldn't go in to FedEx on Friday morning, as I had another commitment, so I asked if I could come next week. The nice lady said she'd call me back next week and set it up. This bought me a little time. Then on Friday morning I went in to the full time job office and filled out an application, submitted my resume, had a brief interview with the office manager, and retrieved my niece from the boss (my Friday commitment). The office manager was very nice, and informed me the position she would have available soon would be temporary, and mentioned that she knew I had heard from FedEx. I told her I was just checking my options.

Then I went home and prayed and thought some more.

That afternoon, as I was making a pros and cons chart (because the choices were that close), the office manager called and told me that she wouldn't need me until the end of July, and she hated for me to pass up working a permanent job.

So now I wait for the nice Ms. What'shername to call me back. I'm assuming she will call me tomorrow, since they do certain steps on certain days, but I really have no way of knowing.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to get my house in order and finish a few projects I have going on around here, because when I do get that call, I want to be ready.

Cuz they are going to KICK. MY. TAIL.

And I will be dawg tired.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Have you heard from them?!!

Missed you last night...hope you're doing alright!