Friday, August 15, 2008

A bit of randomness

I have cool friends in bloggy land. Joanna from Bugs In My Teeth gave me a cool award. I especially like it because it has a funny picture of someone I've never met. That and I like making people smile. But one day I'll win something from someone who doesn't put my bossy big sister first.
One day my dream will come true.

There is a mysterious narrow, creaky stairway in my house that leads to a semi-finished attic space. My husband used to live up there before we got married, and after a year of marriage, we lived up there together for a couple of months while we searched for a home of our own. In this upstairs space is a small bathroom with a sink, toilet and shower. It was installed by a handy-type man who is known for makin' stuff up as he goes along. The plumbing is bamboo (or something) held together by chewing gum and eucalyptus leaves (or something.) I can't tell you how many times the pipes have leaked, clogged, or gone on strike, so when we moved into this house, I insisted the water to the upstairs (if you can really call it that) be shut off. The kids are under strict instructions not to "use it" up there. (the rest of the space is a play room of sorts)
So now you know why we have a bathroom we don't use. 'Cuz I know you were wonderin'.



Kelli said...

So do they actually follow the "don't use it" rule or do they say "I forgot"?

Chris said...

I have been first your whole life long. GET OVER IT! teehee:)

Kelli said...

Do you have a myspace page?

rthling said...

Yep, it's www(dot)myspace(dot)com(slash)rthling

Kelli said...

Go to Mark's page and vote for your favorite school name puuuhhlleeeasssse!!!! We have a little contest going. His favorite names verses mine.

Joanna said...

Chris found me first. I promise next time to do it different. :)

Tina said...

What?!?! An off-limits bathroom?? That's when your family is destined to have the runs all at the same time! hahaha!

Love your award!