Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday

I've been following the blog of Jennifer McKinney for a while now. She has a segment on Monday called Not me! Monday that I am going to try to incorporate just for the fun of it. I might not do a Not Me! Monday every week. It will depend on how the week goes and if I have something embarrassing to share. This week I do. I'll start off with her instructions.
Are you feeling guilty for pretending not to notice as your child sucked toothpaste out of the tube? Feel like a slouch for wearing your husband's big, baggy t-shirts all day? We'll don't! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!

When I was practicing for our annual production of I Hear America Singing, I most certainly did not read my line about Benjamin Franklin negotiating treaties with Great Britain, Spain, and Francis. Nope! Not Me! That would be stupid! And after I didn't do that, I definitely did not blush to the roots of my hair. I really didn't!

See, wasn't that fun? Don't you want to do it, too?

Just click on the link above, read all about it, blog your own Not Me! Monday, and sign in on Jennifer's Mr. Linky.


1 comment:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Very nice foray into the Not Me world! Feels good to get a little out, huh?