Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not too proud to beg

Last night my sister and I saw Selah in concert. We have loved their music for years, but more recently, we have become acquainted (through her blog) with Todd Smith's wife, Angie.
So when she posted that Selah would be in concert as closely as Nashville, I called for a road trip. Secretly, we were hoping to meet Angie in person.

We were not disappointed.

After she got settled into her seat with her kids, I went over there, introduced myself, and chatted with her for a few minutes. She was as sweet as I knew she would be, and let us get our picture with her. When I told her my bloggy name, she actually KNEW who I was!

The concert was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! We love Nicol, and miss her in the group, but I was instantly in love with Amy Perry. She is (in her words) a big girl, like me. I can't say how special it was to see someone my own size not relegated (by choice, or demand) to the background. She was inspiring. She gave me hope. I could clearly tell that when she sang, it wasn't about her. She was worshipping her Lord with confidence and I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

We stayed around for autographs and pictures.

It was a L-O-N-G drive home, but TOTALLY worth it!



Tina said...

I am SO excited for you!! How AWESOME!!!

Kelli said...

Mark is standing over my shoulder saying "Oh, you are so jealous of her!!" He's right. Glad you had a good time.

Chris said...

woohoo... that's me. uh huh; uh huh:)

Suzanne said...

Diane! How wonderful to meet Angie and Selah! I thought you commented something on our blog about the fact that you sing? I couldn't find the comment...anyway, God is using this new 'ministry' of ours and Christina and I pray that He will be our guide to more 'gig' opportunities. I love singing and playing worship music, but if the Lord said, just do it at home, I'd be okay with that too. Keep in touch!